Check out our photos & reviews at the bottom of the page!


The Lantern meets every 2nd Monday of the month at Emmanuel from 5:30 - 7:30. Dinner is served at 5:30 followed by worship and a lesson at 6:30. Childcare is available if desired and food is provided for the children as well.

In addition to the monthly meetings, the women's ministry holds many events including but not limited to: craft/paint nights, Mother's Day Tea, Christmas party, shopping trips, meetings at the park, and more.

There are MANY serving opportunities within the women's ministry such as meal trains, prayer team, event planners & decorators and childcare workers, just to name a few.

Reach out to Sue Burton with any questions regarding gatherings, events & teams: (308) 289-1140



Two prayer team members will be available to pray with people at each women's ministry meeting  after the lesson. A rotation will be  created for the year. One member will be asked to pray for the meal each month, as well as other things. Prayer requests from each gathering will be divided up among the team and they will pray for those over the month, and then repeat.


Rotations of five service team members will plan, prepare  and serve the meal each month, as well as kitchen clean up. The team members can opt for reimbursement for the cost of the meal each month if requested or needed. Receipts would need to be  kept and turned in for reimbursement. The more sign ups we have the longer the rotation schedule will be between each group of five.


Rotations of three greeters will welcome women into the church and into the fellowship hall. Two women will be in the foyer to welcome and direct ladies to the fellowship hall. One greeter will be at the fellowship hall entrance to welcome them in and direct them to the food line or any other activities going on. If you are outgoing, warm, and welcoming then this is the job for you! Greeters should keep an eye out for new comers and try to sit at a table that has new guests, being intentional about getting to know them, making them feel welcome and valued so they can leave feeling like they made a connection an didn't get overlooked. When you are on greeting duty this is your priority.


Every month we decorate the fellowship hall and dinner tables with a theme from that month. Our event team members help decorate the dinner tables and set up for our gatherings. If you love party and event planning and decorating, then this is the team for you!


The meal train leader will notify the team when someone is in need of meals and if there are any allergies or restrictions. Meal Trains are helpful to those who are moving, have a newborn, those who are sick, etc. Members will sign up until that train is fully stocked. For example, if eight people provided a meal every other day, it would provide the person or family with meals for two weeks.  For the trains that you are involved in, you will be able to pick the day that you provide the meal.


We need at least one person, in some cases two to run child care for women who want to take advantage of it during our gatherings and events. It is not more than two hours for most events. The children in attendance can use the nursery and child areas provided at Emmanuel. The kids will also go to the kitchen to eat dinner during the gatherings. Child care team members rotate so they can also attend our monthly meetings.


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“I'm so thankful for the women who serve to make this ministry possible. It has been such a joy to meet monthly with everyone, enjoying meals, laughter, fellowship, prayer and really great teachings all focused on our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I always mark my calendar for the gatherings and have enjoyed building relationships and loving life with the other women! God is so amazing!"

Laurie S.

“I've been attending our women's ministry for a year now. Women can come deepen their walk with God in a welcoming and welcoming atmosphere. The Lantern is firmly grounded in biblical teachings and principals. The messages are so powerful that there is always something that I am able to take away and apply to my own life and grow more in understanding the Bible. This ministry has provided a place where women who are all on different stages in their walk and relationship with Christ can be nurtured, strengthened, encouraged and supported.

Alyx D.

“The fellowship of women at The Lantern is sweet, nurturing, challenging and inspires me to dig deeper into scripture. Women from every walk of life and all ages find friendship, laughter and a cure for isolation. I go with an attitude to serve others, however, I always leave with a full heart because of the Spirit of God in our midst."

Stephanie W.

“One of the things I love about Emmanuel Baptist Church is its women's ministry, The Lantern. This ministry brings together the women of our church and encourages fellowship, spiritual growth and service. The Lantern has helped me build real relationships, has challenged me in my spiritual walk, and has encouraged me to serve in ways I wouldn't necessarily have thought about before."

Sherrie L.